>>35410605>Make part ground (fucks koko's STAB and can use spiky shield to scout for brave bird/u-turn/HP ice)>Give access to earth power for its new STAB, and quiver dance for set up>Additionally, give access to earthquake, horn leech, swords dance, rapid spin and amnesia (this will come in handy later)>Make its stats look like: 65 HP - 50 Atk - 67 Def - 116 SpA - 67 SpD - 109 Spe (474 BST)>Replace water absorb with either unaware (not as bulky as quagsire or clef but completely fucks zygarde up), huge power (possibility to run a horn leech-EQ-knock off set for the surprise factor), technician (mainly for a boost on the hidden power coverage) or poison heal (think if gliscor and breloom had a child that is faster than both of them and lives in "toxapex set toxic spikes: the meta") Even with all this shit, I doubt it would get high usage in OU, mainly because HP ice is everywhere and 65-67-67 is not bulky enough to handle it more than maybe once per match, and because 116 SpA is not enough to get the OHKO most of the time (timid scarf never OHKOes volcarona with HP rock unless it took hazard damage previously), which means quiver dance is a must, but it will have very few chances to set up (mainly against toxapex, ferrothorn too maybe). Chlorophyll is interesting because it can invest in SpA instead of speed, and a specs maractus can OHKO keldeo and volcarona, unlike its scarf set. On the other hand, it would be quite a resourceful choice for a team's grass type, with lots of surprise factor. Has leech seed, spikes and rapid spin, meaning it can work as a mix of ferrothorn+excadrill with a water immunity, or quiver dance to become a sweeper, or cotton guard + amnesia to become unkillable with unaware when it is left free to set up.
TL;DR - Not really THAT good, but it could see some usage.