Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - MULTIS NEVER - Depression - Ball-Throwing
This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Friend Safaris. Don't fuck around, and as always, keep catching Pokémon. Keep those goddamn balls in the air, and don't let the thread die.
Theme song:
>>35425913 Anyone feel like doing a quick battle?
>>35425913 Just let it die already.
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>>35425913 >This thread isn't for...Friend Safaris OPRESSION!
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>>35426407 No need to be like that, anon
>>35425913 I want an Own Tempo Rockruff but I don't really have anything to give in exchange (except maybe UBs after I beat the game). Is there any good Samaritan who could take pity upon me? Own Tempo Rockruff are meant to be easy to replicate via breeding as far as I knew
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>find some rank 60s/70s to help with Battle Agency >disappear if I spend too much time online or don't come back to the battle agency quick enough Is there a way to just get 2 high rank battle agents that you can always call on no matter what?
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>>35427297 Even if you VIP them they'll disappear.
Just get a second 3DS and two more games.
Max out agency on each game.
You now have max ranks available at all times.
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>35427154 Thanks for being patient; I've got your babby whenever you're ready.
I forget if it was Luke or bupi who also wanted one, but I've got some extra decent leftovers.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>35427503 sweet
when can you be on
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>35427588 I can hop on now.
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>>35427101 If you're still around and willing to wait a minute I can breed you one quickly
Mela 1822-3845-8425
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>35427588 Thanks for the cool Pawniard! Sorry it took me so long.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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yo i'm starting the kanto region in soul silver for some breedings and some fun. could anyone trade me a pokemon with pokerus, or advise me on the easiest way to get it for myself? I have lg,fr,d,ss,ruby,and emerald
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>yfw /wfg/ can barely manage 20 posts
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is this where you beg for pokemon? i need cosmogens and solgaleo please? dusk form lycanroc would be cool too. help a living dex autist out.
Yo. Multi with us. One more. Multis happen every day! Don't miss out! This ad has been brought to you by some autists who just want to multi.
>>35430114 Discord a shit.
Multis when?
>>35430228 literally never there is eternally 3/4 in the discord and no one ever posts here
>>35430732 Discord a shit.
Multis when? Anonymous
>>35430742 never anon, I'm with you but never
>>35430747 How about right now?
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>>35430758 2/4 but I doubt that it gets to 4/4
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Anybody up for trading?
I missed the Rockruff Event, but I managed to get an Entei/Raikou code. Would anyone be interested in getting me an Own-Tempo Rockruff in exchange for it?
>>35425913 Just letting a majority of you know..
if you've traded anyone from this thread or the discord in the past 2 hrs you've been personally given an injected mon by me under one of my 15 3DS aliases. I have so many 3DS's and time to kill.
I go on Showdown's Wi-Fi, Smogon's Wi-Fi, /vp/, /v/, Reddit..
I go to everywhere there's no ''injected'' mons allowed. And I hack in perfects just to give to faggots like you. And I'll always do so. Even when one of my IP's get banned (because Mods/Admin(s) here think they're slick) I just kill that VPN and move to the next ;)
This is your only warning that it will continue. Hope you enjoy your new hacked mons. I know I enjoyed giving them TO YOU. KEKEKEKEKEKEKKEKEKE!
>>35433614 Just a heads up:
You can just breed more Own Tempo Rockruffs, they are hardly worth Event codes.
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>>35433654 Well, I could also probably breed off a starter or something else to trade. I'm just trying to get my hands on one.
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>>35425913 LET'S GO AMERICA.
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>>35433642 Wow I always wondered why nobody liked you. Nice "edge," btw
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>>35433642 implying I don't rebreed everything, btfo
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>>35433642 Must be a pretty pathetic existence to put that much effort just for (You)s. And not even for a good troll, since anyone can just release the hacked mon. But sure, have one more.
By the way, 4chan is a 18+ site.
>>35427503 It was me, I'd love to grab one when you're free!
>>35435005 I got you man. I think we're already on each other's friend lists, so just drop a line when you want to make it happen.
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>>35433642 >*shoves your face in the dirt* heh...what now, nerd...
>>35435928 ...anon says, only to be met with the echo of his own voice.
He was alone.
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>>35436708 What echo?
Multis time! Anonymous
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This is probably a stretch but I don't suppose anyone here has a shiny Diancie do they? I got a fair few mythicals going back a ways to offer for it
Dan 0417 4097 1102
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Looking for an Own Tempo Rockruff. Nature and IVs don't matter.
Bounteous Baronial Beasts !!f8O3NOCShJG
>>35425913 I'm
>>35436045 >>35436852 I have UM, and so I'm currently looking for someone to trade me an US Entei. I'm willing to give two codes for it.
I also ///really/// want an Original Cap Pikachu. Very, very much so. V-create Victini is also extremely high up on my list. Following him, I'm thinking Marshadow, and after that, just any of the cute legendaries/mythicals. I'm not reeeeally looking for an "Ow the Edge" type, no. Cutemons are MUCH preferred.
Bounteous Baronial Beasts !!f8O3NOCShJG
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>>35436906 Huh, I thought you could put your email in the options tab and it'd link it (like it used to do the whole "mailto:sage" thing or whatever), but it doesn't seem to do that anymore. I wonder when that changed. It's been absolutely forever since I've used an email address on 4chan. Anyway, the email address I was trying to post was this:
[email protected] Anonymous
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>>35433642 *doesn't give a fuck*
Now what,nerd?
>>35435359 Pardon me disappearing yesterday. If you're free at some point this weekend I'd love one of those leftovers.
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Any One has an Impish nature Type Null/ Silvally?
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We need a fourth for multis.
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
Is there anyone around with some (preferably interesting) Bank Ball Pokémon that they'd be willing to trade me? Either Gen VI or VII is fine! I don't care at all about Gender/IVs/HAs/EMs - just the Pokéball. If you could do it 4 FREE, then obviously that would be the best case scenario for me, but I understand that this may not be reasonable to ask. So! In X, I have some pretty nice breedjects that I could trade you, but in UM, unfortunately, I haven't even finished my first game yet, and I can't (or won't, rather) breed anything because I need to have not bred anything in order to more easily find my egg seed for RNG manipulation of future eggs (I've not fully read through the guide on this {in actuality, I've really only skimmed over the main bullet points/headers and a bit of the meat of the text - it all seems very complex, but then again, I may just be a brianlet when it comes to this kind of thing}, but that caught my eye - and breeding 8 Pokémon versus 128 Magikarp seems much more preferable though the guide is like a year old, so it may have been updated since then, thus rendering this requirement obsolete, but I figure better safe than sorry, at least for now ). So if you have something in Gen VII, you'd either have to be willing to accept a derpmon for it there, and then a breedject in Gen VI.However, if you've managed to get a HA genderless mon in a special ball, I may be able to scrounge around for something a bit more valuable, or possibly fulfill a breeding request (in X, due to the aforementioned reasons).
>>35441707 RNG is a gateway hack of the worst kind. It's a cheap cheat, a clusterfuck of numbers and letters that aren't very well organized by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive numbers faggotry and LEGAL POKEMON. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that RNG itself, regardless of their opinion, is cheating.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its numerical core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of cheating faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered IVs and EVs all trying their hardest to look legal, the manipulations, peculiar, colorful "terms", the whole "it's legal" faggotry and everything about the RNG world fuels their hacking fantasies, while the pity-party in game players, backgrounds, emphasis on arguing, and overall preachiness of the pretentious make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average hacker and his sense of unwarranted abuse mechanic. Exactly the kind of shit that makes abusers and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
RNG is basically THE hack to attract the most hated cheaters fanbase known to /vp/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this hack and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no RNG threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
Dan 0417 4097 1102
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If anyone's got an Own Tempo Rockruff, I'm still looking.
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
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>>35441881 Ahh. In that case, I'm assuming I shouldn't even bother with it, then, yeah?
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>>35441881 Nothing is actually wrong with rng in earlier gens though, that's how most people got competitive pokemon. Did you actually breed in gen 3?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
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I'm here. :^)
Sky - 1048-8998-8507
Hi, y'all. Uh, is this a good place/time to ask about maybe possibly gathering some mystery eggs for Ultra Sun?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>35444332 When do you need them?
Would any kind soul be willing to trade me a throwaway pokémon holding a Luxury Ball in USUM? I'm still in the shit ass tutorial island and want my rockruff in one because autism.
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35444757 Do you have access to the GTS? Because I actually need to make a trade on that, so if you're willing to do that, I can help you out.
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
>>35444773 Yeah totes. My FC is in the name. IGN is Luna.
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35444779 Since we're using the GTS, put up any Pokémon asking for a level 21 female wingull. Let me know what Pokémon you put up. Thanks!
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
>>35444807 Cool cool. I put up a level 1 male magikarp.
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35444811 Sent! Just make sure to save before trying to catch your Rockruff in case you fail lole
I hope you have a good playthrough!
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
>>35444839 Hue of course. Thanks so much!
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35444845 Glad to help! Let's hope you get some good IVs on it!
Oh, and a question for the thread at large. Does anyone have a Pokémon that knows Happy Hour? Whether in Gen VI or VII. I just want to have a Smeargle Sketch it, so if you wanted the Pokémon back afterwards, I could do that, no problem!
AJ 0834-2704-5831
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Lf a marshadow ft lvl100 Darkrai
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Oi, lads. Where are the bloody Multis?
Sky - 1048-8998-8507
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>>35444520 Shoot, I just woke up, I'm really sorry! ;_;
I just got the plaza and caught enough Pokemon to trade out, so it's really just whenever, ya know?
Also, hi Lima, it's been a while. <3 Anonymous
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So a bug Pokemon finally holds a championship title.
>>35440086 Yo I'm here for a couple hours today so let me know if you are
Luke 4699-8234-3031
>>35445994 Cool, I am too. I've got a new ds and fc, if you'd remind me of your fc I'll add it. Would you like a safari ball penta alolan grimer? That's the last 'mon I've bred.
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
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>>35444856 Never mind to that request; I just stumbled across a Smeargle that already knows Happy Hour. I'm guessing I got a lucky WT.
Sky - 1048-8998-8507
Hi y'all.
I know this list is shitty and outdated, and everyone probably has all of this shit anyway, but I'm willing to breed anything I have and as much of it as anyone wants for a Ponyta with High Horsepower in an egg.
That pokemon/EM combination is the only reason I've been looking forward to playing USUM, and it seems a shame to miss out on using that in an actual run. Pls help.
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Any One has an Impish nature Type Null/ Silvally?
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35446644 Do you care about its ball, IVs, nature, ability, or other egg moves? Because I'm only halfway through my UM playthrough, but I could get you that egg - it just most certainly would not be what you'd call a "competitive" Pokémon.
>>35446014 Sorry, I was out of the loop for a while. You still around?
Sky - 1048-8998-8507
>>35446818 Naw, I'm not picky! I'm nowhere near competitive, so that isn't an issue at all! The only important thing is the move, I swear. What could I offer in exchange if you did that?
If it would help, I do have a lot of leftovers from when I MM'd Ponyta in AS. I have heavy ball jolly ponies with Low Kick/Morning Sun/Hypnosis/Captivate sitting around that you could have to work with if you'd like. If you'd like, of course, that's just an offer just in case that would be helpful to you. If not pls disregard, and I'm sorry for being presumptive. ;_; Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35446973 I would actually LOVE that! How about this: you give me one to keep in X, and then one to trade to UM to breed for High Horsepower? Both females, please, if that's reasonable. Also, which move would you like replaced?
Sky - 1048-8998-8507
>>35447026 Hey! So a super awesome person just came through and gave this to me already offsite, but I am still up for giving you that pony anyway if you're still interested. I'm so sorry I wasted your time, man, and I really appreciate you offering to breed that for me. Would you still like that pony I offered anyway?
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35447080 Oh, don't worry about it at all! I'm just glad that you got what you needed!
If it's a breedject/leftovers and you /for sure/ don't need it anymore, then yes, I would absolutely love to get it! Thanks so much! I've added you.
Sky - 1048-8998-8507
>>35447119 Alright, good deal! Lemme hop on AS and make sure I have a good pony ready to go, okay? Gimme juuust a bit.
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35447150 Okeydokey! I'll be waiting online for ya
Does anyone have a Justified Absol in Pokemon X,Y or ORAS?
Sky - 1048-8998-8507
>>35447158 Alrighty, I'm online in AS, but I don't think I see you.
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>>35426161 6v6
How do we show up in eachothers FP
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35447185 Whoops, my bad. How about now?
Sky - 1048-8998-8507
>>35447194 Thank you so much for offering to help me with that, man, and thanks for the paintpup!
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Anyone have a 5/6 IV foreign Ditto for trade?
Does anyone have a Justified Absol in Pokemon X,Y or ORAS?
>>35447991 No, but I can probably catch you one
>>35448376 Got any good IV Dittos or Relicanths?
>>35448398 Have a Relicanth
>>35448455 You're not in a non-English language by any chance are you? If not, I'll just take anything not available in OR. Working on catching you an Absol right now.
>>35448463 Na, I'm English
>>35448471 Alright, just give me something I can't get in OR then. I'll post my code once I get your Absol.
>>35448478 All I have is a Zekrom or lotad
>>35448490 Sure, either one.
IGN Shaquan FC 1392-8791-6224
Lf: johto ball castform, nosepass, chimecho, hidden ability tropius,
Might need more if I can remember
Have: updated my Anonymous
Liam 0318-8057-4693
>>35448505 >>35448554 My FC if you need it.
IGN Shaquan FC 1392-8791-6224
Liam 0318-8057-4693
>>35448513 I'll trade u Heavy ball Nosepass for Saferi ball Trapinch
>>35448612 Sure let me get ready
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
>>35448645 All ready. I'll meet you plaza when I get your FC
Choco-Cookie 2251-8507-5348
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>35448827 Aha! Now I don't have to link it with Imgur!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>35427154 If I dont get ONE trade...
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
>>35449040 Any idea why they didn't include suicune
Hey guys, I had a bad night. Would anyone have any Dream Ball HA mons (especially Qwilfish, but willing for others) or a Safari Ball HA Tauros? Anything in a Love Ball would also work. I would post a list of what I've been breeding, but it's a bit large and annoying to write out. I would like to know what babies you guys would like so I can also get yours.
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
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>>35449055 Anything for moon chimecho
>>35448513 Anonymous
>>35449065 Probably just due to them wanting to keep up the idea of having one event mon per version like they did the last two months.
Not sure why it's Entei/Raikou for Sun/Moon when Suicune would fit way better though.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>35449069 ONE Lure Ball Pawniard
>>35449083 Moon Treecko?
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
>>35449285 Did you mean to reply to me
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
>>35449366 Alright I'll whip you one up
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
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>>35449495 Ight. Hop on m8
>>35449069 >Safari Ball HA Tauros? Impossible. Tauros is male only, so you can't chain Safari Ball (Gen III/IV only) onto a HA Tauros.
Besides, if you're using Sheer Force Tauros you'll want Body Slam (Gen I TM, Virtual Console). Naturally this is only legal in a PokeBall
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
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>>35449514 >if you're using Sheer Force Tauros you'll want Body Slam (Gen I TM, Virtual Console). Naturally this is only legal in a PokeBall Have they made it to where you can use VC pokemon on BS yet? Ranked at least
Dr. Cyndaquil 1994-0244-4298
>>35449495 I got super lucky it's HA, I thank you Mela for it was your luck that graced me
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>35449564 i want a do over
>>35449658 Yeah me too. I took the picture with my phone the wrong way, now it looks like I'm from Australia
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>>35449678 Is it true that they put their clothes on upside down in Australia? I've only seen it in the movies
I heard Australian toilets flush the opposite way and your shit goes all over the floor
>>35450789 I heard American toilets can't handle toilet paper due to their shit plumbing so Americans throw their used toilet paper in the bin.
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ORAS: Looking for a 5/6 IV non-English Ditto, offering a shiny Relicanth in return.
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>>35450926 >instead of bagging his shit covered wipes to be dealt with properly he shoves them in his pipes do third worlders really...
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I heard Australian toilets have reverse holes so when you sit on one it rapes the shit out of you
got the 3 legendary birds by just trading munchlax in the GTS
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>>35452611 It's pretty easy with the new injection technique
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
Super hate to be annoying again but here we are. Looking for: Houndour in a Dusk, Prime, Luxury, Fast, Moon or Love Ball; Bounsweet/Stenee in a Luxury or Love Ball. For my new run. I have to offer UB's, a couple of legendaries, several Ultra Space shinies, a couple more shinies, most "difficult to obtain" dexmons like Magmortar, Porygon Z, Scizor, etc. If anyone could help out I'd be super thankful. To speed things up, IGN is Luna.
>>35453875 I can do bounsweet in a love ball probably, let me check, I haven't turned on my game in half a year
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
>>35453893 I would love you forever.
Orange 2750-2391-1227
>>35453903 I was so upset by USUM I'm pretty sure I ignored legendary codes I got..
Looks like I destroyed my inventory, let me breed another. Do you want it in an egg or hatched?
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
>>35453943 Whatever you easily have in hand. Thanks so much my guy. I'll add your FC.
Orange 2750-2391-1227
>>35453974 I can give you them as an egg or hatched, since I saved before Taurosing up and down.
Last question, are you making a sun weather team or a fun team?
Also I don't need anything in return.
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
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>>35454018 No team in particular, just my bro pokémon I want to clear the game with. Thanks again! I'm getting online
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
>>35454018 Actually, should we do it through GTS? I'm posting a Level 14 male Morelull asking for a Level 1-10 Bounsweet.
Orange 2750-2391-1227
>>35454045 Hope you enjoy, now to leave until Gen 8.
Orange 2750-2391-1227
>>35454045 Cont. Also, sorry I took so long, I wanted them to be born somewhere nice.
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
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>>35454082 >>35454086 No problem. Thank you! Ily ( ˘ 3˘)
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>>35447164 Yeah, I can get one in XY.
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>>35454972 Mannn FUCK youuuu
Orange 2750-2391-1227
What happened to /vp/? This board is slower than /m/
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>>35455969 There's literally no reason to play USUM.
The online system is garbage and the meta is stale (being barely shaken up from SM).
The only reason people come here is for Gen VIII news and there's been fucking nothing since it was announced last year at E3
Nick 2251-8401-0087 (USUM)
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Does anyone have an extra HA Nidoran laying around that they could trade me?
If anyone has a skill link min/cinccino I'd be happy to have it I'm on OR and have a bunch of 5IV honedges or if you want something specific I can check to see if I might have it from tons of GTS trades from filling out the dex
>people dont post lists anymore what happened
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>>35461889 Ultra SuMo happened
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Looking for Mayoi
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
Does anyone have a HA Heracross?I though that I can chain it myself,but the fucking piece of shit drove me insane,because it never called for an ally Heracross (I got one encounter every 5 minutes) and in the end one of those bastards critted my Decidueye and ruined the chain (1 hour of tedious chaining). I can give you a HA Bulbasaur with 4 Egg Moves,a HA Charmander with 4 Egg moves,HA Squirtle,HA Totodile with (I think) 4 Egg moves,HA Torchic,HA Mudkip,all of Sinnoh's starters with their hidden abilities,HA Tepig with 4 Egg moves,HA Snivy,HA Chespin,HA Froakie and HA Litten.
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>>35461889 Shit games happened.
Looking for a female Skorupi/Drapion in a premier ball to satisfy my autism. Good IVs would be a bonus but aren't needed. I can offer a 5IV Relicanth or Hoenn starters.
Give me [easy to obtain thing], I'm too lazy to get it myself.
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All the Dream Ball Audino that ever show up on the GTS fly off immediately. Anyone have one?
>>35464157 God dammit I always forget to mention, ORAS.
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>>35461509 Yeah, why not? Let me know when.
>>35461509 I'd be interested in one of those 5IV Honedges, all I have are 5IV Relicanths though.
>>35464487 You know you could just dexnav one at meteor falls entrance, right?
>>35464550 You sure? I checked the wiki and it said they're unavailable in ORAS. I'll double check or just try anyway, thanks Anon.
>>35463972 I'll trade you an HA Heracross for an HA Piplup. It's from an old breeding project, so it's male and not pentaperfect, but it's got the HA.
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>>35464221 Give me [hard to obtain thing], I'm not offering anything in return though
>>35464497 You'll have to wait a few hours but sounds fine
I have no SpA and no Speed ones if it matters
Liam 0318-8057-4693
>>35465216 No speed would be preferable, thanks!
Liam 0318-8057-4693
>>35465216 >>35465396 and a female too, if possible, would be great, I've got a foreign male I could breed it with.
>>35446911 Sorry are you still around? I've kinda been in an unexpected time out. Did you have any interest in that grimer? Otherwise I'm breeding beast ball gastly at the moment.
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>35466134 I'm around for a bit right now. I'd love a Grimer if you're available.
Luke 4699-8234-3031
>>35466338 Cool thank you! Would you mind also helping me evolve my haunter?
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>35466444 Sure. Trade me the Haunter first, and then I'll trade Gengar for Grimer. Hopping on.
>>35466482 Will do, thank you!
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>35466493 Thanks homie! Glad we finally managed to make it happen.
Might as well try again. Anyone have a Dream Ball Audino?
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
Hi, me again. Any kind soul out there have a regular (non-alolan) Vulpix they can trade me? In a premier, luxury, love, or heal ball if possible. I have tons of things to offer because I have the complete Alolan dex in my Bank. Thanks in advance!
Blue Guy
>>35466659 I can go snag one in Omega Ruby real quick. Any top preference for the ball?
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
>>35466699 Any of those, as well as Moon or Dream ball would be great. Thanks!
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>>35466511 Me too! Thank you
Matthew 2449-4619-9391
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>>35466706 Sending it through bank now.
Be ready in about 5 minutes.
Matthew 2449-4619-9391
Ri-Anon 4141-6738-6747
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>>35466812 Would you mind sending it over the GTS? I'll put up a Level 12 male Zubat asking for a Vulpix. Thanks again!!
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Stop posting in my thread
anyone got a lvl 5 relicanth i can have for x/y with rock head?
>>35465404 sorry for taking way longer but I'm available whenever now
I only have two females and both are no SpA, so you'll have to choose which you want more
I'll put it up on GTS whenever you're ready
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>>35467228 also the two females are brave and the three males I have are sassy if that matters
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35447200 No problem - thank you more, honestly!
Does anyone have a spare Destiny Knot they could throw my way in Gen VII? I could offer you a Dome Fossil maybe? A Big Nugget? Or a Happy Hour Smeargle? Or possibly other things - just let me know what you'd want.
>>35467243 I've never touched gen VII but it says you can buy them from the battle dome can't you
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
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>>35453875 Did you mean to type Premier ball, or is Prime some weird name for another ball?
Liam 0318-8057-4693
>>35467228 Alright, the sassy female would be great, thanks! I'll set up something on the GTS with one of my 5IV Relicanths.
>>35467146 I have a bunch of 5IV Rock Heads.
Liam 0318-8057-4693
>>35467228 >>35467316 Just saw the females are Brave, that's fine too, thanks Anon.
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Liam 0318-8057-4693
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>>35467342 Thanks a ton man
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35467260 I'm only just barely on the third island I can offer a a pretty decent range of stuff for it
>>35467408 I have an extra but I'm only on OR
if you have that happy hour smeargle in a 6th gen game I'll go for it
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35467415 Unfortunately, I have plenty of them in Gen VI. I just can't transfer them through Pokébank, which is the issue.
I'll still get you that Happy Hour Smeargle, though, since it only takes like two seconds to do, while also helping to spread the move!
>>35467442 ok, I put a 5IV Moon Ball Ralts on the GTS, thanks in advance
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35467415 >>35467442 Put something up on the GTS asking for a level 11-20 Smeargle
>>35467453 Beat me to it! Wow, thanks. That's really generous of you! Just gimme one second!
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
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>>35467453 The Smeargle outsped me and its Sketch failed >.> Sorry, I'm having bad luck with encounters atm
>>35467457 No problem, like I said earlier I have a bunch of random shit from GTS trades so I don't know what's that valuable. It's also missing speed so it's not perfect
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35467465 Sent 'er over. Enjoy!
Thomas, Premier Balltist: 3995-6637-0180
>>35467484 No problem. Actually, I could use a Choice Scarf, if you have an extra. I can get you something else in return
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>>35467519 Don't have an extra one of those, sorry
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any of you fucks have a hasty or naive water2 mon?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Bump for life. Breeding Dream Ball HA Murkrow right meow.
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>>35467951 Not your blog,
nerd !
I really wish it were faster to EV train in this game. Would anyone happen to have an Analytic Staryu?
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>>35467951 What do you want for it?
Matthew 2449-4619-9391
>>35469591 I could hop on OR and grab one and transfer it over. Won’t have the best IVs but it will have Analytic.
Also, might as well keep asking, anyone have a Dream Ball Audino?
>>35469609 No need for super good IVs. Wish I had Dream Ball Audino for you though.
Matthew 2449-4619-9391
>>35469632 All good. Want it in a specific ball or looking for a specific nature?
>>35469635 Not super focused on nature but if possible Timid or Modest would be nice
Matthew 2449-4619-9391
>>35469645 My synchronizer worked and didn’t work while looking, so I have one of each Modest or Timid. Which you prefer?
>>35469658 Timid would be great.
Matthew 2449-4619-9391
>>35469662 Cool. Just put up something on the GTS asking for Staryu and let me know what it is.
>>35469677 I've been breeding Sneasels all morning so I'm gonna put one of them in there
Matthew 2449-4619-9391
>>35469689 Should be traded.
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>>35469692 Got it. Thanks again
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
>>35464812 I can trade with you in a few minutes.I need to give Piplup Power Trip.
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!8zmbr2eZkyK
>>35471459 I'll add you. Hit me up when you're ready.
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why you take-a de burger its not for you its for-a de customer
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Anyone have a premiere ball female Honedge or evolution?
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I got my Skill Link Minccino but I still have 4 penta Honedges if anyone wants one
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
>>35471618 It was getting late and I had to go to bed.We can try tonight again.I'll add you as well.btw I have a HA Bulbasaur with 4 egg moves,do you want one?You can give me a shitmon...
>>35474020 Yo let me know when you're around; if I'm at home we can make it happen.
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
>>35474241 Well,we can try again tonight,before I go to bed.
>>35474253 Ok, you got my FC?
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
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who used all the fucking toilet paper?
>>35461889 Too many new people who expect handouts, all the oldies left except AheD
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>>35476196 Don't forget casuals joining discord.
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
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>>35476196 >oldies >AheD Lmoa