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No.35435455 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who's the worst designed gym leader and why is it Korrina? Seriously, I don't like it.
> Mega Glove looks... asymmetrical. I would've preferred a Mega Ring or something different, but better and not asymmetrical.
> No knee or elbow protections. All Kalos skaters have them, but not this cunt? She definitively likes to get hurt.
> Hair sticking out of the helmet. Seriously, she looks UGLY. Frontal hair look like her gramps' irrealistic and impossible eyebrows, and her ponytail... how does it manage to stick out of that helmet? How does she manage to wear it? Bah...
So, Sugimori did not create Mega Flygon because of the artist's block, yet he manages to offer us disgraces like this?