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Let's play a game, /vp/

No.35449345 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT you must:
>Give the best argument possible defending the Pokémon in the previous post.
>Post an image of a Pokémon you dislike.
>Give a reason as to why you dislike it.
>Mention one argument people can't use to defend it.

I'll start with Garbodor. I'm OK with the idea of a rubbish Pokémon as its an obvious pick for a poison type, but I dislike that they went out of their way to make Garbodor ugly (between the ugly facial expression, ugly color palette, and ugly details like the arms, the colored spots and puffy ears).
>inb4 "the whole point of some Pokémon designs is to look ugly/abomination-like".