>>35453404Regardless of if they loved Cilan or not, much like Brock, the executives came to the decision that ALL of Ash's companions need to be on constant rotation each region in order to maximize the ability to apply marketable Pokemon to everyone once Ash runs out of party space and so they don't have to make a bunch of under-developed rotation 'mons like they did in Unova.
And since Gen 5 was coming to an end, Pansage was no longer marketable and the rest of his Pokemon no one particularly gave a shit about for profitability since I don't think ANYONE knew what they were gunning for that season.
Compared to Gen 6, where Clemont had Chespin, Dedenne (who was mostly associated with Bonnie, but regardless) and Bunnelby for marketable 'mons, his only "dud" being Luxray.