>>35494073>>35494087>>35494229>>35494300Might aswell give my two cents while I’m at it.
Frankly I’ve started relatively late with Pokémon as my first own game was the Saphire edition. But boy did I love the shit out of this game. I think I clocked around 500 hours catching every Pokémon and countless battles against the elite four to train my favorite Pokémon. Then came platinum which I also enjoyed, heartgold was fun too.
I also bought white and enjoyed the playthrough but when I bought white 2 I felt a bit disappointed because it was essentially the same game with slight tweaks.
Ironically this would mark the downfall of my interest in Pokémon.
I was really exited for Y/X but it’s the first game I’ve hated playing.
Maybe I’ve grown older, maybe it’s the design of the Pokémon but most importantly I never liked the 3D design. I don’t know if it’s autistic but the models look so ugly compared to the old fashioned sprites.
In my opinion the peak really was the first white edition because they had some fake 3D elements like when you’re approaching a city which was fine.
But everything looks out of proportion nowadays. The character, the location. In my opinion the switch to 3D cost the soul of the games.
Then alpha sapphire and omega ruby was announced and I was hyped as shit. I thought "meh the graphics are shit but I’ll play it just for nostalgias sake even“. Well eventually I’ve dropped it after beating the elite four for the first time. The design is unbearable for me. I can’t play Pokémon the way I’ve used to. I guess I’ve really grown out of it. I didn’t even bother buying sun and moon and from what I’ve seen I dodged a bullet there. (Not to mention the mega evolution and attack bullshit no one asked for).
Honestly I hope the switch version will change things up but I’m convinced I won’t expect anything but will still be disappointed nonetheless.
Its a shame honestly. Even mystery dungeon went to shit