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No.35496118 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think that all the Kanto remakes in Switch stuff is fake as hell, but just imagine this:

>Pokemon Radiant Red™ & Paceful Green™ coming to Switch in 201X
>They're just FRLG with USUM graphics in HD
>Sevii Islands are now removed
>Instead we have the Battle Ship. This facility is just a Mansion or a Tree copypaste. It's a ship that docks in Vermilion City port when you beat the League, and you can battle your Rival, Lillie, Cynthia or Oak!
>Post game have also the Mewtwo Episode™, that consists in 2 cutscenes featuring Mr.Fuji and Blaine. The Cerulean Cave have now 2 basic floors and Mewtwo is 100% catchable like Rayquaza in Delta Episode
>No new megas or regional forms
>New Z moves to interact with JoyCons
>Now Pikachu, Eevee, Clefairy and Meowth can be following Pokémon!
>The Festival Plaza will make a return with new buildings!
>The game has the same amount of cutscenes as USUM
>Snorlax is now a gift Pokémon
>You get a Kalos starter in Cerulean City

Post yfw