I already posted mine (it was the one with all the sea critters and space aliens) but I'll rate
>>3558373610/18 You got some pretty standard picks like Sceptile, Zard, and Mewtwo, but some interesting choices like Arbok and Glaie, not to mention both Onix and Steelix. Fellow snake fan, I see
>>3558374811/18 Lot of people like Breloom, Umbreon, and Sylveon it seems. Not hating, they're pretty solid mons. I'm happy to see so many Ribombees too
>>3558375814/18 Another Breloom and Ribombee, I'm actuall kind of surprised to be seeing this many. I like your taste, particularly Maractus, Cradily, and Mareanie.
>>3558377516/18 Mostly popular picks, not a bad thing though, they're popular for a reason. I can respect the double Chesnaught.
>>3558378610/18 Gen one had some pretty good designs. I dig the Cloyster, Vaporeon, and Arbok