Alright. Well, I guess I wasted effort for nothing. The models for Machamp and Gengar are from Pokken. But I pasted the textures from Sun and Moon onto them because there's no way in actual Pokemon game would have textures like Pokken. I thought maybe if I had better models than just pulling the ones straight from Sun and Moon, people might actually believe it. The level they're in is 100 Acre Woods from Kingdom Hearts. I took some pictures from another random game level I found online but it had practically photorealistic graphics and it looked way too good for a Pokemon game. I tried looking around online to see if I could find any levels I could use that looked like they could actually be from a Pokemon game but everything either looked too good looking, too bad looking, or was in a style that didn't really work. So, I just used this Kingdom Hearts level I already had on my computer which clearly didn't convince anyone.