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More leaks

No.35643424 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi everyone I'm back.

I have a few more things to let all of you in on. I also want to clear up a few things that were in my first post.


•The announcement for the games will be next week sometime. Looking likely that it will be Thursday.
•The games will be released in early December
•Many of you assume the games are 'too good be true' but in fact these are what the games are going to be. Simply extraordinary.
•When I said the evil team are very driven and passionate toward their goals, while not knowing what their actual goals are, I meant it in the sense that I have read dialogue from the games. With the Team leaders (there are 7 of them) saying things along the lines of "We will do everything we can to accomplish what we want, no matter the cost" etc.
•When I say that "Nintendo" has out done themselves it's because Nintendo were extremely involved with the development of these games as they are the first major Pokemon games for switch. A lot of effort were put into these games hence why they seem "too good to be true"
•The information that I've given you does correlate with other rumors as well because those rumors and leaks are true.
•In my first post I said that a lot of other leaks and rumors are fake. But not the Italian rumors.
•The Italian rumors came out while the games were far from 100% done story wise etc
•Regarding Kanto, and a lot of you saying that game freak will never destroy it, remember that these games take place in the far future, say 20-30 Years. These are mainstream games but it's more of a throw forward to Pokémon in the future.
Which means that future Pokémon games will take place in a more normal timescale where Kanto is still whole.
• It is more 2½ Regions than 3, nonetheless the Switch is more than capable of handling these games.