>>35655302I'm an actual fag and this is entirely forced. What's the point? To go "nice, gay people" like they're a sideshow?
If you wanted to include gay then make some actual characters instead of two literal who's that exist only to make you painfully aware that they are, in fact, gay.
Its as bad as them saying Lando is pansexusl in a post production interview; if it doesn't come up in the film then you are just exploiting a community for extra ticket sales.
Also sexuality can stay the fuck out of main series Pokémon. Fangames can do what they want but Pokémon is the wrong franchise for this shit; you will have people in hysterics saying the frogposters made my baby gay and the end result will be detrimental to the series and for equality as a whole.
If the dev is also LGBT then shame on you for making us tokens.