>>35656894>>35659316Yo OP here aka the fucko that made these dudes, I'm makin' another one.
>GymIt's an odd, reality-bending maze featuring puzzles with physics similar to that of the Distortion World. Immediately after entering, a Gardevoir and Gallade show up, and begin speaking to you via telepathy, either showing you the way or decieving you. During the Gym, the wierdness of it creates s terrain/field effect that boosts the power of Psychic moves, gets rid of priority moves, causes Trick Room to last 8 turns, and makes Psychic types immune to Ghost type moves. The Gym focuses on Double Battles. After the maze, it's a straight line to the leaders with 2 duos to battle. The Gallade and Gardevoir are the aces of the Gym Leaders.
Trainers 1 and 2: Claydol, Mr. Mime and Beheeyem, Bruxish
Trainers 3 and 4: Oranguru, Swoobat and Girafarig, Sigilyph
>The LeadersThere are two, and they're a couple! One focuses on support while the other goes AWOL with attacking.
>Leader 1:He focuses on support.
-Reuniclus, Magic Guard Lv. 56 (Psyshock, Trick Room, Heal Block, Shadow Ball
-Meowstic (Male), Prankster, Light Clay Lv. 55 (Psyshock, Light Screen, Reflect, Fake Out)
-Solrock, Levitate Lv. 57 (Psyshock, Safeguard, Rock Slide, Helping Hand)
-Slowbro, Regenerator Lv. 58 (Psyshock, Heal Pulse, Scald, Yawn)
-Gardevoir, Trace Lv. 61 (Psyshock, Icy Wind, Heal Pulse, Moonblast)
>Leader 2:She focuses on attacking a lot.
-Gothitelle, Competitive Lv. 56 (Psyshock, Charge Beam, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball)
-Meowstic (Female), Competitive Lv. 55 (Psyshock, Energy Ball, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt)
-Lunatone, Levitate Lv. 57 (Psyshock, Icy Wind, Blizzard, Power Gem)
-Slowking, Regenerator Lv. 58 (Psyshock, Nasty Plot, Scald, Flamethrower)
-Gallade, Justified Lv. 61 (Psycho Cut, Close Combat, Leaf Blade, Ice Punch)
>BadgeFlow Badge