>>35679200Not that person, but I have some complaints about ORAS. It's ridiculously long; feel free to laugh at me for it - I know how unnecessary and absurd it is.
In terms of gameplay, most of the locations are nearly tile-for-tile remakes instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to optimize them for the 3DS - bonus points because most of them actually AREN'T exact 1:1 recreations and they do have slight changes, but they TRIED to look like they were for nostalgia reasons and it worked to their own detriment.
Visually, the tilesets are recycled ad infinitum (why didn't they reuse any tilesets from XY so they would be able to create more variety instead of wasting time recreating basic grassy routes?) and also just really ugly in terms of color and unjustifiable blockiness.
There were a few places that lucked out and got the best and not the worst of the Gen VI treatment (Meteor Falls, Route 113, Sootopolis, Mt. Chimney, Sea Mauville and Sky Pillar spring to mind). These were incredible and a whole game made of them would have been the best entry in the series right away. Despite this, though, the entire rest of the region looked awful, and the basic route tileset that's used almost EVERYWHERE and the basic cliff tiles that are copied even into the other tilesets didn't help it at all.
ORAS should have looked at least AS good as XY even if "better" is too much to ask, because they had all of those graphics there. We didn't need an obvious step back.
(This was originally written as a response to someone who brought up the "expanded" Scorched Slab as something good the remakes did, so if you don't care about that, ignore this:) It went from a single room to a literal grid. It wasn't a good dungeon before (it wasn't supposed to be at the time, just a place to find a TM), but it certainly isn't one now, either (and now that there's a Legendary at the end, Game Freak obviously felt it had reason to be a dungeon given that they ostensibly TRIED to expand it).