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Showderp: Woopan Edition

No.35682998 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Psst hey, this is Showderp. Where we root and cheer for a relaxed guy dubbed "champ" as he woops butt on Pokemon Showdowns ladder using Pokemon suggested by you; Anonymous.
If champs current team is a little too Unaware of what it should be doing, he'll call "new team" where the fastest of 6 anons to suggest Pokemon in time'll be able to see their Pokemon on champs newest team. If champ himself is startin to feel a little Damp, he'll call "new champ" where the fastest trip to understandably claim'll become our newest champ. Calls only count in thread. Don't understand? Water you waitin for? Absorb some knowledge and lurk.

>Big Woops:

>Shopped Da Woops:

>Current Champ:
mami circular !/227gTI/pM

woops i meant HAVE FUN