>>35793771You guys are really giving this games too much credit. They are NEVER going to replace the main series. Even if they sell much better (which I'm very inclined to think they won't), Nintendo and Game Freak knows these two games are for two different types of people. You guys are making a big deal out of it just because you are "hardcore Pokémon fans" and this games are definitely not for you. If they stop making games like we're already used to and start making stupid shit like this Let's Go thing, they know this large portion of dedicated non-casual fans will leave the series.
Making Let's Go games only is not something economically interesting for them. I mean, have you seen Pokémon games sales? They sell a fuckton of copies! Do you really think they are going to get rid of that, which has proven to be very positive for them for decades now, and just risk doing only Let's Go games? Do you really think it's going to be better for them to get money out of only one game while they could milk money out of two? Besides, normies tend to go for something while it's popular and then just let it die as interest drop. So, even if I can see this becoming a separate series, it's very likely it will eventually die after a second pair of games or so. But, again, even if Let's Go games keep coming, they will go for the path where more money comes in and that's the one where they continue both series.
The worst thing that could actually happen is the Let's Go games replacing the remakes, so if you're going to worry about something, that seems like a much more reasonable concern. There is no reason to worry about core games becoming Pokémon Go, fucking christ, calm yo fucking tits already!