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Here's the perfect way to introduce gofags to the core series catching system and the level mechanics and so content both sides:
>You interact with the wild pokemon.
>If it's low level and you have the confidence that you don't need to weaken it just spam the ball and treats like in the original Safari zone.
>If it's a higher level pokemon or a rare rare as it would be difficult and "unrealistic" that it simply let's itself get caught allow the player to use the "help" to send out your own to weaken, paralyze, put it to sleep or use mean look so it doesn't run away, now you've introduced them to system in a non aggressive manner and spiced up the old catching method for long time fans.
>You interact with the wild pokemon.
>If it's low level and you have the confidence that you don't need to weaken it just spam the ball and treats like in the original Safari zone.
>If it's a higher level pokemon or a rare rare as it would be difficult and "unrealistic" that it simply let's itself get caught allow the player to use the "help" to send out your own to weaken, paralyze, put it to sleep or use mean look so it doesn't run away, now you've introduced them to system in a non aggressive manner and spiced up the old catching method for long time fans.