>>35796403My excuse not to be married now? Why would I need an excuse? I'm autistic but I'm not THAT retarded, thanks. Why in the hell would I lock myself into a contract with another person that does nothing more than make it hard to get away from each other?
No, I'm all for monogamy and all, but a piece of paper and a couple pieces of metal don't make people faithful. Anyone who wants to get married is automatically off my prospects list. Marriage should be abolished (have your pointless ceremony, but it shouldn't have any legal repercussions - if you want to drop it all and walk away you should be able to as you are ALWAYS two individuals).
Also, being a primary schediaphile I'm rather more sexually attracted to drawings than any human anyway. Not to say no real life female has ever attracted my attention but it's far more rare. When looking at real life porn, it's more the situation I find sexual rather than the people in it who are 99.9999% ugly as fuck and even when they're not disgusting to look at they are just as likely to have shitty personalities or a shitty voice which makes them disgusting anyway.
Why would I waste time with that when Lusamine or Winona etc. are waiting to do whatever the fuck I want in my imagination and that of others?