>>35801752>Why do people get so uptight about "muh postgame battle fuhcillities" when the real endgame is multiplayer?Because single player content still has a place in Pokemon games, it's also faster to run through a battle facility than it is to play laggy Battle Spot matches. Multiplayer is also horribly imbalanced and everyone runs the same mons, at least in some place like the Battle Tower, you fight a variety of Pokemon if nothing else.
>>Why had GF done buttfuck nothing to balance their game or make competitive pokemonBecause they mix marketing with gameplay, Mega Charizard being broken as fuck for example. Gamefreak is horribly incompetent if you haven't found out yet.
>>or make competitive pokemon actually accessible without either grinding for 1000 hours or cheating?This is where you're wrong, it's very easy to get a viable team, it gets easier every game.