>>35804116>>35804165the conclusion the op draws is only supported by a bunch of disparate sentence fragments highlighted to dislodge them from actual context
op has essentially practiced a kind of divination by discarding gigantic segments of the interview to create a "hidden" meaning that fulfills their need to feel attacked
of course, this discards the actual reality that is plain as day to everyone else, which is that the eurogamer interviewer asked the same question twice in one sentence, and masuda only answered the first:
>Related to that, looking forward, do you envisage there being two series of Pokémon games, say a Let's Go series and a main series like Sun and Moon - are there going to be two or are they going to come together again?>Masuda: So I'd say there's a possibility of that, should the games sell really well and obviously a lot of people play them, but right now we're really focusing on the development, and just getting a lot of people to play the games in the first place!eurogamer asked if there would be two series, and then rephrased the question in the same sentence. very poor interviewing, if you ask me. masuda answered the first iteration of the question, "do you envision there being two series of pokemon" with "yes, if the games sell well."
you can tell this was the intended exhange because the first iteration of the question is a simple yes or no (will there continue to be two series?), and the second is a choice between two end states (will there be two series or will they "come together again"?), and masuda answers "possibly."
but op has mentally abridged the exchange to:
>a Let's Go series and a main series like Sun and Moon are they going to come together again?>Masuda: So I'd say there's a possibility of that, should the games sell really well and obviously a lot of people play themwhich is just insane.