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354KiB, 1600x1586, pokemon_blue_cover_art_by_comunello76-d4xvjro.jpg
ITT: the story of how or why you were introduced to Pokemon or general memories thread
How I got introduced to Pokemon
>late 1999, Burger King kid's meals have Pokemon the First Movie toys
>I'm 5 (born 1994), so wasn't going to school yet and missed Pokemania
>mom takes me to BK every week or so normally because it's literally the only thing nearby and I like chicken nuggets
>get a bunch of the toys through this and like them (specifically know I had a Kangaskhan, a Venusaur, a Nidorino, a Jigglypuff, and maybe a couple others)
>don't know anything about the franchise other than it had toys at Burger King and Poke Balls and monsters were involved somehow
>mid 2000, BK has another promotion for Pokemon the Movie 2000 (the toys were far worse)
>at this point, have a Game Boy Color since my dad stopped using his after getting bored with Super Mario Bros Deluxe
>somehow a copy of Pokemon Red comes into my hands, maybe I asked for it, don't know at all
>suddenly super fucking into Pokemon even though it's mid-late 2000 and kids my age don't care
>never really see anyone else at school playing the games or trading cards or anything
>person at the apartment complex near where I lived at the time trades me a Squirtle and feels incredible to have more than one starter on a file
>eventually get Yellow because Pikachu and then Blue basically as an afterthought in case I want more save files
How I got introduced to Pokemon
>late 1999, Burger King kid's meals have Pokemon the First Movie toys
>I'm 5 (born 1994), so wasn't going to school yet and missed Pokemania
>mom takes me to BK every week or so normally because it's literally the only thing nearby and I like chicken nuggets
>get a bunch of the toys through this and like them (specifically know I had a Kangaskhan, a Venusaur, a Nidorino, a Jigglypuff, and maybe a couple others)
>don't know anything about the franchise other than it had toys at Burger King and Poke Balls and monsters were involved somehow
>mid 2000, BK has another promotion for Pokemon the Movie 2000 (the toys were far worse)
>at this point, have a Game Boy Color since my dad stopped using his after getting bored with Super Mario Bros Deluxe
>somehow a copy of Pokemon Red comes into my hands, maybe I asked for it, don't know at all
>suddenly super fucking into Pokemon even though it's mid-late 2000 and kids my age don't care
>never really see anyone else at school playing the games or trading cards or anything
>person at the apartment complex near where I lived at the time trades me a Squirtle and feels incredible to have more than one starter on a file
>eventually get Yellow because Pikachu and then Blue basically as an afterthought in case I want more save files