>>35813393OP here, these are pretty rad.
As a convenient method of bumpin' the thread, here comes mine!
>Type specialty:Water
>The Gym itselfThe Leader is terrible with puzzles so he decides to make the Gym an outside arena of sorts, with a large moat with a swirling whirlpool. What happens next is a 4-trainer knockout challenge. Within the Gym, there is raining terrain/field effect in play that boosts the power of Water moves. Rain-activated abilities are always active. Castform changes into its rain form. Blizzard, Thunder, Hurricane, and Whirlpool doesn't check accuracy. The trainer Pokemon are within Lv. 55-57
Trainer 1: Ludicolo, Golduck, Whiscash, Jellicent
Trainer 2: Tentacruel, Qwilfish, Toxapex
Trainer 3: Omastar, Kabutops, Cloyster, Kingler
Trainer 4: Gyarados, Lapras, Starmie, Kingdra
>The LeaderA chill dude who loves battling, basically. Owns a weather facility located in the same town, and used that tech to create man-made rain for the Gym. On his off-time, he fucking spoils his Pokemon, he loves 'em. However, he has a serious side, which he shows during his work, and during battle.
He also loves Double Battles.
>His teamFought in a Double Battle.
-Wash Rotom, Levitate, Light Clay Lv. 59 (Light Screen, Reflect, Thunder, Confuse Ray)
-Milotic, Competitive, Leftovers Lv. 59 (Blizzard, Dive, Dragon Breath, Recover)
-Castform, Forecast, Waterium Z Lv. 60(Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Hurricane, Thunder)
-Lanturn, Volt Absorb, Sitrus Berry Lv. 60 (Thunder, Blizzard, Whirlpool, Dazzling Gleam)
-Carracosta, Solid Rock, White Herb Lv. 61 (Shell Smash, Dive, Rock Tomb, Knock Off)
-Feraligatr, Sheer Force, Life Orb Lv. 64 (Dive, Ice Punch, Crunch, Iron Tail)
>BadgeDeluge Badge
>TMGives the HMs Whirlpool and Dive
>Misc. InfoAppears earlier in the game to assist the player in taking out some goons from the evil team. As thanks, he gives away a free Castform!