>>35821902Good questions.
Falkner: Hoothoot or Natu could have been used. But no, we get Pidgey family.
Bugsy: Ledyba? Spinarak? Pineco? Scizor? Fuck no, we get Scyther, Kakuna, and Metapod.
Whitney: Smeargle? Fuck no, we got Clefairy and Miltank.
Morty: Gastly, 2 Haunter, and a Gengar? Where is Misdreavus?
Chuck: Poliwrath and Primeape are fine since the last Fighting-type specialist didn't use them, but where's Heracross? Or Hitmontop?
Jasmine: Forretress? Skarmory? But no, we get two Magnemite and a Steelix. Not even Magneton. Fuck.
Pryce; Delibird? Sneasel? Fuck no, we got Seel (who isn't even Ice-type), Dewgong, and Piloswine.
Clair was fine. She used the two Dragons in Gen II.