>>35889978Both are wrong and the emptiness that Kyurem represents is the best choice.
All truth is false. Truth does not exist. Our understanding of the world is an illusion of the mind and we define truth as when a collective illusion fools enough of us to agree on it. But every person and every living thing perceives the world differently and believes different things to be true or believes them in their own way. Even scientific knowledge, our best tool to "understand the truths of the universe", changes every day as we adapt our mind to new possibilities. Math axioms are ultimately just mind constructions and wheb they fail we construct something new like imaginary numbers or other irrational thing and call it a newer truth but it's just us designing illusions that kind of survive in time.
Ideals are even worse because they aren't even perceived, it's just the way in which we would like things to be. Just a maquination of our mind, based on previous observed "truths", that we imagine so our brain releases reward chemicals that make us happy for some minutes.
Since both are subjective, changing, individual-dependant, to avoid error we can only rely on nihilism, the absurd, the lack of any meaning.
Kyurem is the cold emptiness of nothingness. Since it is nothing, it can't be wrong. It doesn't satisfy anyone but it doesn't fool anyone. No truth or ideal will ever be right.