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I don't think it's very well liked, but I'll gladly give my take how I would've handled it
I think the main characters should be downsized. It should be Ash, Lillie, Kukui and Burnet later on.
I'm pretty sure the reason why Ash is going to school is because Alola is small. Even if they want to add fictional towns/cities, it would still be too small. I'd suggest have Ash live with Kukui and Lillie for the time being like in the games. Having Ash going to school makes no sense.
Then there's the abhorent way they handle trials. Ash should just do all of them, it makes no sense that he has to skip out on Z-Crystals even if he doesn't have the proper moves for his Pokemon. I like the idea that Grand Trials are diffrent though (One is a normal battle, the other one is a double battle, the other one you have to defeat 3 Pokemon with 1 Pokemon)
I wouldn't change a thing about Team Rocket, they are handled absolutely perfect. I would give Team Rocket a Team Skull counterpart that are as relevant as them. I mean we have three skull grunts we actively follow, but they are literal whos and their Pokemon aren't as special.
As for Pokemon? I can't think of any Pokemon Ash should or shouldn't own. I would treat Poipole as an actual Ashmon and make it less obvious that it will be released again once it goes back to Ultra Space and make it less of a brat. Lillie should have Nebby until the Lusamine arc and then she can grow as a trainer in Alola herself.
As weird as this sounds, I wouldn't change the comedy aspect of it if there are filler episodes. I think they should downsize it when there are serious moments. The Ultra Rangers or whatever they're called....is a good idea but they should just beat the shit out of them, not some comedy routine. I also think that if they're going to include the Trial Captains, it should be all of them.