Kanto E4 is classic, but Lorelei is a bit underwhelming to me.
Will is memorably forgettable but Koga is a very solid choice, and Karen
1. Is the first Dark-type specialist
2. Is excellent if you play Pokémon for the women
3. Has an entire subdemographic of Pokémon fans (Karenfags) named after her, and
4. Gave me hell with her Nasty Plot Dark Pulse Houndoom in HeartGold when I just used Ho-Oh and assumed it was unbeatable.
My first game was Emerald and the E4 was a nightmare for me since I only trained my Swampert, so I can’t forget them, even if Phoebe and Glacia suffer from G1 Lance syndrome. Drake in particular has a design ORAS seriously did justice.
I will also never forget the feeling of seven-or-eight-year-old me learning that Drake was, indeed, not the final boss. I love Wallace thoughI
never played Sinnoh but do remember Ronald McNofiretypesdonald and Lucian, who was associated with Barnes & Noble in this one guy's let’s play. I don't even remember the name of the Ground-type user, though. The only real saving graces of the Sinnoh Elite Four to me are Aaron’s surfable door and the Champion.
I appreciate Unova’s type selection, their League Building remains my favourite (Kalos’s is a close second) and is the one that first gave the Elite Four a nonlinear order, and I in particular like Grimsley and his chair and the way half a Frontier Brain got upgraded.
Malva is memorable thanks to her being
part of Team Flare and also being a Holo Caster announcer. Design isn’t bad, either.
Sir Wikstrom hath iams.
It’s nice that Iris has a grandma, but she really doesn’t have anything else going for her.
Kalos’s Champion really is just terrible, though.
Sun and Moon’s E4
and final boss are 80% people you’ve already seen and I really like the one who doesn’t fit under that description, so no real complaints there from me.