Don't want to drag it out for longer than is necessary, but here goes.
I was underaged during the X/Y days and a frequent visitor and participator in the cloning general during that time. I don't really remember how well I was received by other users or specific details about other things but I do remember accumulating a lot of stuff and feeling lofty.
It was definitely far from a foolproof process, and I'm probably most well-remembered through an escalating argument involving a well-IV'd Yveltal and another regular user who explicitly made a point of its unavailability. I'm talking Modest, 5IVs, imperfect attack; the guy who he got it from requested that he not trade it off to be cloned. That shit was like gold dust back in the days when Powersaves had no IV altering codes.
And I had to have it. I remember internally justifying myself, thinking that because I had all these other valuable pokemon, I not only had to have this particular one, I DESERVED to clone it. So, I persisted to harass this user, who time and time again tried to tell me the obvious. Shit really hit the fan when in one thread I called this guy out and said he was a cunt for not letting me clone his artificially valuable string of binary code. People jumped in to say 'hold the fuck up,' and rightly so. I initially denied doing anything wrong, but it slowly dawned on me that what I had just done, and what I had been doing to get to this point, was fucking retarded. After scrambling to repose myself, I said something like 'yeah sorry for being a jew, it was fun while it lasted,' left the thread, and I never went back. Not much of an apology.