>>36026964Actually, that's not the whole truth.
In competitive GSC, offensive teams tend to rely on Explosion, which is a TM in RBY, but not in GSC, and the only Pokémon that learn it by level-up are Weezing (garbage), Electrode (garbage), Golem (kind of usable) and Forretress (good). Everyone else has to learn it in RBY, which makes Forretress and Steelix the only Gen 2 Pokémon that can explode, compared to Cloyster (which has Spikes), Exeggutor (Sleep Powder and powerful special attacks), Gengar (all-around dangerous and unpredictable threat), Golem, Muk, Weezing and Electrode.
On the flip side, stall teams are not reliant on Explosion (though blowing up your Cloyster/Forretress can be great help to stop a Drumlax), and will often see things such as Raikou, Skarmory, Suicune, Umbreon, Misdreavus and Miltank (which is a better Heal Bell user than Blissey, deal with it).