I meat a bird that came from hell, he is little green, he is very well. He cannot fly, and he is revolt, he don't like me, and then he told "Louro, louro quer biscoito".
He likes to play, he likes the milk, he likes to fight, he likes to kill. Evil Papagali, he wants to kill, he ordered me to puta que pariu. Evil Papagali, he is animal, he got the power of heavy metal.
>Partner Pokemon
1st battle: Chatot
2nd battle: Chatot, Houndour
3rd battle: Chatot, Houndour, Staravia
4th battle: Chatot, Houndoom, Staraptor, Malamar
5th battle: Chatot, Houndoom, Staraptor, Malamar, Tyranitar, Weavile
>Actions Within the Story
He's got the power of the furation, you feel the pain, is the bication.
>Dialogue Samples (optional)
Louro, louro quer biscoito. Louro, louro quer biscoito. Louro, louro quer biscoito. Louro, louro quer biscoito, quer biscoito.