>>36044382Got Ten mon's
1. Swellow- I mean think of all the ground traffic you get to skip by flying at an insane speed
2. Buzzswole
Being able to throw 18 wheeler's like nothin' plus you can nourish yourself by drinking the nearest living thing to regain strength
3 Joltik
Being one of the smallest pokemon has it's goodsides, like being able to hitch a ride onto someone else as well as being very hard to spot, plus can zap a phone to charge it
4. Blastoise
Water cannons, for a show of power or a show of pleasure as you keep the neighbourhood cool during this time
5. Jigglypuff
Being able to put the captive audience to sleep makes it much easier to draw a knob on someone's forehead with a permanent marker
Just incase I got work that involves any toxic or radioactive nonsense so pick the pocket monster that can waddle in and suck up the pools of radioactive junks to save the day
Can support the fingerless glove industry if i buy 2 pairs instead of one
Time to do spooky ghost stuff, like make the lamp come to life, make the TV scream or even pull down someone's pants that needed to be de-panted
Can maul 'n' Brawl in inclosed tunnels and caves, that so happens to be the areas that druddigons naturally do better ib
Bring the beach anywhere with your own portable sand blaster, plus be the river horse that;s frighted water