>>36049736Golden Sun does a lot of impressive stuff. Half the point of that game seemed to be a showpiece for all the cool new graphical effects you could do with the GBA's power.
it still looks like a fucking mess despite its production value and if you tell me those characters still look good today, you're just a retard, pic fucking related
in contrast, Gen 3 has clean spritework and looks okay throughout
nothing super impressive, but it's all decently well done -- I've seen better, I've seen worse
it wasn't until Gen 6 that Pokemon looked much worse than what was common on the hardware
like, I was playing fucking Tales of the Abyss on my 3DS before I got fucking Pokemon Y, and good god it made Y look like a joke
you can't enable 3D most of the time (IIRC, the first 3DS game up to that point that you couldn't, but don't quote me on that), the handful of places you can enable it have awful framerate with it on (which is something very few other 3DS games had an issue with), the fact that there were framerate issues at all with it off
the models didn't even look that good
for some reason, texture smoothing isn't enabled anywhere
as far as I can tell, the game would look better without the outlines
it's a fucking mess
Gen 7 looks better, at least. Still not as good as most other 3DS games, and texture smoothing still isn't enabled for no fucking reason (if it's for "stylistic" purposes, they sure fucked up).