>>36054100Try to view it from the staffs position.
What they are technically responsible for is infringement of the boards and site itself, and not in the moderation of generals themselves.
Thus, if someone is not infringing on board/site rules within a general, the staff box doesn't really have to do anything, because they simply don't have to.
When the staff box does care of an issue like that, we have instances of MODS=GODS; however due to competing and multiple generals on /vp/, the staff box can't constantly monitor these generals for infringements of generally accepted principles.
Aka, "/ef/, post nothing but eevee's and their eeveelutions." Now, if there is someone posting board/site infringement in their flooding, then yes, they usually act.
Tl;dr edition.
The staff box cares to a certain extent, but it can't over care; thus we as regulars of our generals, we moderate ourselves.
This is why (usually) when there is a hiring process, that the staff box is filled with non regulars, instead of regulars; because if you care too much about your generals, then it'll effect your level of overall work.
Tl;Dr tl;dr edition.
If its not breaking board/site rules, mods don't have to care, and usually don't. Unless its obvious flood posting, you can't really punish people for posting Pokemon on /vp/.