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I'm leaving /vp/

No.36098844 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm leaving /vp/ for good this time.
I've been here ever since the black and white japanese roms leaked, and every single year since, /vp/ goes out of their way to constantly harass and abuse everyone who isn't apart of their little "hate squad" of sekret kool kid klub shitposters and memers.
You guys have no idea how much emotional abuse you instigate. Look at what you've done to JammerProHD. Nothing but mean, spiteful, nasty and hate filled comments are thrown at him. You try so hard to turn him into a meme, but its not even funny, its fucking sad pathetic and frankly, disgusting.
I know last year i said i was going to give reddit a shot, but they are getting just as bad. The entire internet has become a toxic wasteland of evil little social rejects spewing /pol/ buzzwords and insults.
That being said, im going to /v/ and I encourage anyone who even remotely likes pokemon to join me. /v/ is the only place that is even somewhat bearable to talk about pokemon. I'll catch you on the other side anons, peace.