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No.36103882 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which one of the following monotype teams would be the best in the Battle Tower in Crystal? Be creative with movesets and possible synergy between mons.

Fire (Typhlosion, Houndoom, Magcargo)
Ice (Sneasel, Delibird, Piloswine)
Dark (Tyranitar, Umbreon, Murkrow)
Rock (Sudowoodo, Shuckle, Corsola)
Ground (Donphan, Gligar, Quagsire)
Poison (Ariados, Crobat, Qwilfish)
Grass (Jumpluff, Sunflora, Bellossom)
Psychic (Xatu, Espeon, Wobbuffet)
Water (Lanturn, Azumarill, Mantine)
Bug (Heracross, Forretress, Ledian)
Flying (Skarmory, Noctowl, Yanma)
Normal (Any three out of Furret, Togetic, Aipom, Dunsparce, Granbull, Ursaring, Stantler, Smeargle, Miltank and Blissey)