>>36120747Magcargo doesn't need a mega, it needs a regular evolution that can hold items.
But if you insist, what about:
>Fire/Steel>60 HP>50 Atk >130 Def (+10)>160 SpA (+70)>120 SpD (+40)>10 Spe (-20)>Ability: desolate land (yeah I know, but you want this to be good, don't you?)With 60-130-120 defenses, a water immunity and a steel typing, if you have the foresight to build around it with grassy terrain to minimize EQ damage, you should be able to pull it off. Magcargo, unlike heatran and groudon, has recovery, and the tempting shell smash. Desolate land gives it permanent solarbeam and boosted fire damage, and it can also set rocks or run toxic. Losing its rock typing limitates its uses against stuff like zardY, but getting steel basically allows it to switch into any toxapex set for free and set up if no haze, or just fire off a strong hit otherwise. It also shits on most bulky water types except gastrodon, gets less damage when switching into rocks, has clear smog for situational setup-stopping, earth power for opposing magcargo, and showderp could run it with amnesia, iron defense, shell smash and a single attack.
Would probably still be UU.