I want to see more prehistoric creatures in general. There's plenty of non-dinosaur creatures that would be neat as pokemon.
>Brochoadmones, a fish with too many fins
>Vetulicola, a fish that looks like a clam with a bird beak and a worm up its ass
>Cambropachycope, a cyclopean shrimp with really weird proportions
>Odontogriphus, a rectangle with a bendy shell and a creepy mouth on the bottom
>Diplocaulus, a salamander with a boomerang-shaped head
>Graciliceratops, a cute thing that looks like a Clannfear from Elder Scrolls games
>Tanystropheus, a lizard with a REALLY fucking long neck and tail
>Tapejara, a pteranodon with a huge crest on its head
>Basilosaurus, basically Godzilla if it was a whale
>Helicoprion, a shark with a circular saw for a lower jaw
>Elasmotherium, a real unicorn
>Megatherium, a sloth that's scary as hell
>Deinotherium, an elephant with tusks on its chin
>Glyptodon, a mix of an ankylosaur and capybara
Nature was fucked up in the past. Shame we didnt keep any of the things from then. At least dinosaur chickens are a possibility thanks to genetic tampering.