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No.36122752 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>a pokémon's coloration has nothing to do with its type

Listen here you little shits, I wanna get something straight. There is EVERY reason to suspect a pokémon is of a certain type based on color alone. Why? Because they CONSISTENTLY design pokémon to have colors representative of their typing.

It'd be like if you jumped on a Koopa in SMB3, and it pulled out a knife and stabbed you. And then your backseat-gaming friend called you an idiot, because 'why would you think jumping on a turtle kills it?' BECAUSE WE'VE BEEN REPEATEDLY TAUGHT THAT IT DOES, that's why.

No not every Ground type is brown. No, not every Water type is blue. Nor does something being black mean it "should be a Dark type". But if you look at Claydol, Luxray and Gothitelle for the first time, and you guess that they are probably Dark types, then you are forgiven.