>>36129223These are the examples of Pokemon that got new Abilities:
- Feebas: Oblivious (shitmon)
- Milotic: Competitive (mediocre mon)
- Jigglypuff family: Competitive (shitmon)
- Gothita family: Competitive (shitmon)
- Wingull :Hydration (shitmon)
- Pelipper: Drizzle (shitmon)
- Torkoal: Drought (shitmon)
- Roggenrola and Boldore: Weak Armor (shitmon)
- Gigalith: Sand Stream (shitmon)
- Vanillite and Vanillish: Snow Cloak (shitmon)
- Vanilluxe: Snow Warning (shitmon)
- Beartic family: Slush Rush (shitmon)
- Plusle: Lightning Rod (shitmon)
- Minun: Volt Absorb (shitmon)
- Kecleon: Protean (shitmon)
- Dusknoir family: Frisk (shitmon, shit ability)
- Starly: Reckless (to match up to its fully evolved form, shitmon that evolves into a better mon with a good but not OP ability)
- Ferrothorn: Anticipation (greatmon but shit ability; Iron Barbs is a good ability but not OP)
Pokemon with changed Abilities:
- Zapdos: Lightningrod -> Static (downgrade)
- Scolipede family: Quick Feet -> Speed Boost (upgrade)
- Chandelure family: Shadow Tag -> Infiltrator (downgrade)
- Legendary Beasts: Volt Absorb/Flash Fire/Water Absorb -> Inner Focus (downgrade)
- Gengar: Levitate -> Cursed Body (downgrade)
Most ability changes are as followed:
- Shitmons get a new ability added as either Ability Slot 2 or Hidden Ability, but the abilities aren't necessarily overpowered
- Great mons get one of their Abilities (usually Hidden) changed. All but Scolipede's family are downgrades. Speed Boost for Scolipede isn't inherently OP, and Scolipede isn't a commonly used Pokemon.
- Pokemon such as Ferrothorn get a new Hidden Ability that doesn't make them any more OP than they were now.