>>36131142Well, yeah, if you're relying on the community to hold him accountable, it's a lost cause. It's really no different than when Tyler Malka's crimes had finally caught up to him after years of being well known. Aside from the vast majority of NeoGAF users being disgusted with him and blowing out to start a brand new cult that this shit-for-brains gaming industry has already given credibility to, and though Malka and NeoGAF survived at the end, the point is you can't trust a community to do anything. It needs to blow out even wider to get the desired outcome.
The mainstream media are quite literally stupid faggots and don't actually research a story that makes them get all hot and bothered. They will report just about anything, which is why /pol/ is so successful getting them to condemn normal hand gestures and shit. If Serebii can be made to look like a card-carrying Neo Nazi pedophile operating a website dedicated to a kiddie video game, the media will piss and shit all over itself to cover that story. It's outrage bait.