>>36131818Anon, there is no company worth their salt who would do this. If you've got a product for sale that people buy in large numbers, you don't risk losing that stable income to try and chase an altogether different market - risking financial losses/instability in the process (remember, mobile gaming is an entirely different beast to console gaming and not everyone who plays GO will buy LGEP or even a Switch).
That's why there will be 2 series moving forward Let's Go! and the Core titles. I mean, look at it this way, GF have been pushing out 3 games every 4 years for a long time now, people are complaining it's turning into CoD lite (even worse is at least CoD gets worked on by 2 different studios, one working on this year's, the other on next year's, GF just has themselves making it). Throwing a LG title into the release schedule and pushing back a core title a year gives them time to develop the core game at a more leisurely pace, while still keeping their brand visible at the same time. To be honest, I'm actually convinced anyone who still says LG will kill the Core series has a brain injury of some description, where I'm sitting from, just makes it look like they're using it to help them not have to get a Core game out so quick.