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No.36134669 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welp. It finally happened, I had to dump Pokémon. I was a fan from day 1, ordered every season of the anime on VHS, visited the Pokémon Center in New York City, bought all the comic books and highlighted my favorite Pokémon with the classic neon yellow highlighter we used back in school, I did everything to support this franchise. But, now, I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of staying up all night on social media trying to defend all of Game Freak's blunders, the countless broken promises, the way they bent the knee to the mobile phone crowd with GO, with the new Switch game built around pandering to them. I'm tired of always being stressed out, wondering how badly new errors will hurt the Pokémon brand with its longtime core fans.

It finally hit me, Game Freak has been exposed countless times as a weak and ineffective developer, so why am I staying up all night, every night to defend them? It's time for ALL of us to fess up, Game Freak tricked us, they made us all believe they would release a great new Pokémon game for the Switch this year, well they're NOT and I'm tired of pretending they are. I've spent nearly every night over the past three years trying to defend Game Freak, and I'm exhausted, angry and lacking so much sleep.

IT'S OVER, I'm sick of it! There are upcoming amazing-looking new Digimon games, and we may as well grab our DualShock controllers and 'digivolve' to an improved experience. Now I'm going to rest easy and catch up on some much needed sleep, but not before putting my Pokémon cards into the garbage can.

Finally, peace.