>First Nuzlocke-Sun Blind
>Get Scott the Prankster Cottonee from Melemele Meadow
>"It'll be a long, dangerous journey to get a Sun Stone, but I'll get you there safely."
>Fight Hau after leaving
>Cottonee's debut battle has it curbstomp his Pikachu
>Totem Wishiwashi
>After getting debuffed to hell and back, Scott still walls Totem and Alomomola with double leech seed
>Give it Dire Hit and crit razor leaf both into oblivion
>Also walk out of Brooklet hill with a Wishiwashi of my own named Legion
>Feed Legion all of my Rare Candies for instant Schooling
>Scott still keeps up nicely, even after other members evolve. Getting Eviolite helps, too
>Legion's an absolute monster, especially with Waterium Z
>At Aether Paradise, Nihilego appears
>Hau forces me to fight it
>"A Jellyfish... Probably Water type like Jellicent. I'll lead with Scott, paralyze it with Stun Spore, and switch to something else."
>Battle start...
>Prankster Sun Spore lands, then... VENOSHOCK
>Scott's HP scrolls down
>"W-We're Eviolite..." "It's not STAB..." "We're not poisoned..."
>Scott dies in the lead, Nihilego Beast Boosts its Special Defense
>Send out my Ghast Up Drifblim unaware of Nihilego's typing
>Use boosted Hex so Stun Spore wasn't in vain, but Nihilego lives and retreats.
>Only half listening to the cutscenes afterward out of shock
>Getting Psychic TM from Wicke is slight hope spot
>Arrive on Ula Ula
>Hau attacks me while I'm down
>Scott's sent out again in the lead against A-Raichu
>Forces me to switch Scott out and seems to 2HKO everything on my team with Psychic I couldn't even learn by now
>Sizzle the Torracat is just barely not fast enough
>Do some math and Legion can barely live a Psychic switch in, then Thunderbolt
>Fast A-Raichu uses Electro Ball for Maximum power, killing slow Legion
>Manage to beat Hau, he smiles and runs off
>Torracat evolves immediately after, gaining Dark type that could've swapped in on Psychic