>>36165625>This is why companies target new audiences.Only to morons. Companies target new audiences to create new revenue streams. It has nothing to do with the quality of any quality of the audience and businesses that make knee jerk reactions like that deserve to fail.
>You hate the fact LGPE is targetted towards people that aren't youActually, I don't. What I hate is that Game Freak thinks we're stupid, back when it was just Go it was fine they were separate entities that could exist on their own, but now we have LGPE and Masuda has spoken at length about how the core games are too difficult, that he sees LGPE being the future of the series, and how his drastic changes were highly controversial in the company and he had to push to get his way. That anyone could believe he doesn't want to replace the core series with LGPE at this point is beyond the pale. Masuda is disconnected from what fans actually think and it's such a problem even the Japanese fans hate his guts now and that's a big deal.
But that isn't even the only problem, after two generations of this resulting in excruciatingly dumbed down core titles, Masuda continues to speak favorably about XY/SM being the foundtion for generation 8. That means, instead of getting good games that core fans actually like and want, we're instead getting more games based on the two least liked generations in series history and no doubt generation 8 will also end up being excruciatingly dumbed down as well.
And that isn't even getting into the part where even if Masuda isn't gunning to replace the core games with LGPE, he's releasing both of the games so close together that instead of growing the audience, they will cannibalize each other. Most likely LGPE cannibalizing generation 8. There's good reasons businesses don't put out disparate products so close together that they compete with each other.