>>36183417>>36185923pic unrelated, prism is a fucking trainwreck.
it's playable, that's about all you can say about it. the mining and crafting systems are so ill-advised and worthless and it's genuinely incredible that there are people who defend it (likely people who haven't played the game and just want to dickride because they attention whored the shit out of prism on TPP). the extra types are only marginally less stupid in prism than they were in brown. wood and wind are gone, but gas and sound are still here and still queer. at least fighting types aren't deaf anymore, i guess, but i'm not sure who thought "SARIN" was at all fucking appropriate for a pokemon move.
palette patrol are genuinely unfunny and they don't fuck off for the whole game. you know you've fucked up characterization if generic enemy team grunts are better than your recurring characters. the story is basically complete nonsense. spends an awful lot of time jerking off to a region nobody gives a shit about, even going so far as to warp the character of Lance into some kind of "jerk" because he isn't beholden to a region he never belonged to in the first place.
"child of lance who starts with a larvitar" is about as fucking fanfic as you can get, by the way. i can go on but prism sycophants typically didn't even play the game for more than an hour and aren't worth explaining things to. this post alone contains more thought about the game's design than any of them have ever put into their shitty meme game.