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No.36182014 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Listen here you little shit, thinking you can get away with a wrong opinion by posting outside of this board: LUSAMINE WAS NOT BRAINWASHED
She had a clear arc of ovsession getting the better of her and clouding her mind. She lost her husband and the last thing she sees is an alien jellyfish. OF COURSE she's going to want to find out more about it! It's the only clue she has to her husband! The only reason someone would think Nihilego's poison had anything to do with her backstory would be because they weren't paying attention to the story. Mon got warped somewhere but not Lusamine, this means he was closer to the wormhole than she was and that means she was far enough to not touch Nihilego. Lusaminr having a sudden change of heart is because Lillie finally spoke up and she realized what a horrible mother she's been all along. Or maybe it was the near death of experience. Or maybe lazy storytelling. Either way it had nothing to do with poison because how would it be affecting her body but not her mind? GF is really lazy but that's no excuse for you to turn off your common sense.