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Let's Go HATE Thread: Friendly Rival Edition

No.36223233 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How come Game Freak is so out of touch that they feel the need to make one of the best bosses in videogame history into a friendly cuckold? Why do they FEEL the need to tell us that our rival will be a friendly one? This is retarded. That is like a MGS trailer that mentions 'Meet your evil enemy'. Like what the fuck?

Also, Let's Go HATE Thread:

>only 151 Pokémon
>safari is cut
>$60 despite the cut content
>no sevii
>no abilities or held items
>Mew behind a shitty $50 controller
>soullessness everywhere
>lazy 1-1 reproduction of a Gameboy map
>every gym has a requirement to get in
>coop is 2v1
>coop produces frame drops
>rival gives you free potions/what have you
>all trainers have less Pokémon
>all trainers have lower level Pokémon
>can only battle legendaries in the Wild
>no abilities / items that can be equipped
>animations taken straight from Pokémon Go
>upscaled 3DS textures
>More gen 1 pandering
>Friendly rival
>Dumbed down amie/refresh
>No EVs/IVs
>Probably no shinies
>Probably no breeding
>Pokemon following wasted on THIS FUCKING GAME (pic related)
>The hyped up "new pokemon" is Mew
>Go park doesn't accept gen 2+ pokemon
>You can't even use Go park as storage