>>36250360That's what Throh/Hariyama is for.
This is a defensive line, man!
Aggron out front; trying his damndest to get stepped on, Scyther/Garchomp flying around, shredding clothing and trying to shock her off balance if possible. I've seen someone go down to a Lego and a Bee, this alone is a decent tactic.
Throh/Hariyama fastballs the Breloom first, trying to get it as close to her face as possible. Maybe this fails, and Breloom just rams into her and gets itched to oblivion, maybe even at point-blank face range, there just isn't enough Spore to put her to sleep, or maybe it succeeds. If Breloom fails, Dugtrio gets launched next. Dugtrio just needs to hit skin in order to dig in.
Roughly guesstimating the scale of things: It will take roughly 20 seconds to get past Aggron, and while the flier has a lot more random chance at work, I think it not unreasonable to assume that it will take a good 5-6 swats to deal with them.
If the giant DOESN'T address Aggron and the flier, it will find itself harried by hard prickly things jamming into its foot, and clothing being shredded into a tripping hazard. Ignoring them may well knock the giant on its ass more quickly than any more developed strategy.
This giant may be a murder machine, but it still has two limbs with travel distances and velocities, two legs more focused on ambulation and balance than offence or defense, and the complex physics behind balance and leverage we all have to deal with.
Frankly, even without the burrow factor, the moment Dugtrio hits the giant's skin is a massive turning point. Dugtrio is fast, and aware that the giant may be trying to squish it. getting a fast moving spider off your skin is hard enough when it can't burrow in.
A building isn't a rock, either. It's mostly concrete and wood, which by pokemon laws, means it's Fighting or Grass. Steel if it's a high-rise. Additionally, a building is mostly hollow.
Either way, throwing a building is most likely not Rock Type.