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No.36269967 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>abandon charmander because he would half-ass fighting since his place in damian's team was secured
>charmander waits for him because he is a little shit that can't do anything by himself
>then does his best under ash because he is scared he will be abandoned
>this is after pushing himself to his limits to beat up damian out of spite
>once he evolves he rebels against ash because he is now his MVP and ash won't get rid of him just like that
>outright refuses to fight once he becomes charizard because he is literally ash's only fully evolved pokemon
>only fights against strong pokemon because he is a sociopath
>had to be beaten to the border of death to get a fucking clue
>had to be cucked and humilliated to understand he was never hot shit
Damian did nothing wrong. How the fuck did Garbagezard become Ash's second most popular pokemon?