Wasn't super sure what to put into the "favorite pokemon" slot, but I guess old dunny will do.
>>36324505A bit all over the place, but in a nice, sort of genuine way.
>>36324630Great mon choices and nicknames. I've always loved the sandshrew line.
>>36325551Kinda weird, but I dig the shopping cart & your other items, they give you a distinct theme which I like.
>>36327060A bit too far out for my tastes to rate well, sadly. You got some interesting tastes in mons, though, props for the chimecho
>>36328053Your character makes sense, coming from Po Town (was it before team skull took over?). I enjoy the ball choices and the love for more object-y / abstract mons.
>>36328323I very much like the reasonable yet still interesting theme you've got, with goals and mons aligning quite nicely. Plus, you got a very neat looking sprite with the best eeveelution.