Battle Tower is the standard Tower/Subway/Maison/Tree place. Battle Palace gives control of your Pokemon to the AI and decisions are weighted by nature. Pokemon will avoid harming opponents that are barely standing because they'd prefer to raise their own stats, or do nothing because they dislike their options. Battle Factory is just "here's the awful Pokemon you always laugh at, good luck with them!" and is hugely luck-based as a result. Battle Pyramid is "here's dozens of wild Pokemon that like to spam status, good luck wandering large dark rooms full of trainers!". Battle Pike is the Pyramid without the large dark rooms and more RNG. Battle Dome is a standard tournament ladder situation, but with less Pokemon than you normally would use. Battle Arena is just a more restrictive battle where you need the right team order or you're screwed. This is a fanbase that has no idea how probability or RNG work and believe that the game is actively cheating and conspiring against them because one time in this one battle the AI got two flinches and that one moment is evidence of how the odds are stacked against them and that always happens the time they lose because confirmation bias is a myth. And you actively want to add more RNG to the system. If they brought back the Frontier you wouldn't be upset that the AI is cheating and made your Pokemon FP for three turns in a row. You'd be compounding it with "the Battle Factory keeps giving me Stockpile/Swallow/OHKO Walrein, non-Mega Sableye, and special Rhyperior (yes this is a thing)", or getting angry because this Frontier Brain is using a team of ALL LEGENDARIES and that is just broken, or being upset that the game already makes you run around in circles to breed perfect Pokemon but now you have to do that AGAIN because you need a Hardy nature because otherwise your Pokemon will just keep on spamming status moves or some other asinine behavior when the Brain's last Pokemon has 5 HP left.