>>36357454Nobody with any of the talent, drive or vision that made GF good way back in the day still works there in any meaningful capacity, except extremely arguably Masuda for music and Sugimori for art, and even they are not anywhere near what they once were, and as everyone knows Masuda seems to have been a negative influence once he took more of a production role. Tajiri and Morimoto barely do anything except put their name on things now.
GF is not the company that wanted to put its stamp on RPGs anymore. Even their scant few passion projects (Drill Dozer, HarmoKnight, Tembo, Giga Wrecker) seem more like rewards to the team for putting up with being a Pokemon factory where the majority of the work is farmed out.
People seem to forget that GF as a studio are privately owned and are hired by TPC/Nintendo to make the Pokemon games. I think within the next ten years we'll see the studio broken up with some people being hired into a larger dedicated Pokemon studio and the rest either forming a new indie studio together, dispersing across the industry or just leaving the industry altogether. Literally the only reason GF still develop the games is because the executives are also executives at TPC.